North Plains East Trunk Extension Project

This $2,515,111 project consists of a sanitary sewer trunk line that will serve the eastern portion of the city of North Plains.  The Project consists of installing approximately 716 feet of 27-inch sanitary sewer pipe via microtunneling and 743 feet of 8-inch, 1,352 feet of 18-inch, 1,245 feet of 21-inch, and 1,205 feet of 27-inch sanitary pipe via open trench with the deepest trench approximately 27 feet. There are also 12 manholes, 470 feet of 14-inch water line, and 2,682 square yards of 2-inch asphalt overlay. The Project is located on West Union Road, west of Jackson School Road. 

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"K&E’s  product was installed exactly to the plans and specifications and their flexibility in executing the overall project schedule was outstanding. This project required significant coordination with the electrical and H-pile installation contractors, K&E’s support in this area  contributed heavily to the success of the project."

- James W. Stone
Stantec Consulting Services
Scarborough, ME

(Project refers to two solar powered generation facilities in Amity, Oregon.)