Bear Creek Barnards Road Culvert Replacement

The purpose of this project was to replace a washed out culvert on Bear Creek crossing Barnards Road and reconstruct Barnards Road through this area in Clackamas County, Oregon. 

Work included bypassing of the entire Bear Creek around the work area without negatively impacting native fish and habitat, installation of a 13’-11” x 9’-5” structural plate arch pipe culvert with streambed gravel and boulders inside to create a natural stream bed through the culvert, construction of a cast-in-place concrete retaining wall, installation of new guardrail and seeding to restore disturbed surfaces.

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"K&E’s  product was installed exactly to the plans and specifications and their flexibility in executing the overall project schedule was outstanding. This project required significant coordination with the electrical and H-pile installation contractors, K&E’s support in this area  contributed heavily to the success of the project."

- James W. Stone
Stantec Consulting Services
Scarborough, ME

(Project refers to two solar powered generation facilities in Amity, Oregon.)